Useful Tips On Todo List Application


Sometimes there are moments when we require more than 24 hours to accomplish all our tasks to do. In the majority of cases we have time to meet only urgent engagements, and quite often we hear a number of complaints that there is no time to meet friends, or to visit the family, or even to devote a couple of hours to ourselves.

Is that familiar to you? Conceive that you are able to slow down the time. It is possible if you know 3 simple suggestions listed below.

1. Don’t postpone your duties.

Procrastination isn’t only postponing all the duties, sometimes it is just failure to prioritize when people persuade themselves that the triffles they do are of great importance, but postpone those duties that are really need to be done. It happens when these duties are not very pleasant, or if a person does not know where to start. Take into account that procrastination does not solve your problems, it may only make them worse. That’s why it’s reasonable to make a schedule of your urgent tasks in order of decreasing importance, and start with the most essential tasks. Do not postpone essential tasks till late evening, it’s just a psychological trick.

2. Difficult tasks are to be accomplished first.

In case you have several things to do with same priority, begin with the most difficult task. It’s human nature to procrastinate the things that seem difficult or not pleasant. It’s unpractical both because you waste your time and because the longer you put off the more unrealizable the duty would seem. That is why try to be honest to yourself, and start with complicated tasks.

3. If it is possible multitask.

Take into consideration the words: if it is possible. For example, the situation on the road needs your concentration, that is why do not try to settle your business problems on the telephone when driving. It is a good idea to combine mental duties with mechanical ones. If you need to water the flowers or to do the dishes, you may begin with these tasks while talking on the telephone. But be sure that your efforts to multitask don’t slow down your activity.

Try these recommendations on practice, and you will save lots of time. But still, keep in mind that no strategy will work if you waste time on unproductive activity. From time to time we tell ourselves that we’ll take some rest just for a minute but then we find it even more difficult to concentrate on our obligations. There is a famous proverb: business before pleasure.