What is Bing and Why Use it for Your Business?


What is Bing?

Bing is nothing more than Microsoft’s proprietary search engine. It was formerly known as the “windows live search” service, and later as the “live search” engine. It has been integrated into windows services since the MSN days, so it is more than likely that you have used it at some point.

Bing is a search engine just like Google. Despite not being as popular as the latter, it still accounts for more than 20% of web searches currently made in the US. It is integrated into Windows operating systems, and offers a number of attractive features including:

  • Advanced multimedia searches
  • Sub links on search result URLs
  • Mathematical calculations, rate conversions and computational calculations can be made on the Bing platform, directly from the Bing search bar
  • Integration with the Oxford dictionary to make finding definitions easier

The Bing search engine also allows users to scour the web for images, videos and news, while also giving them access to Windows tools such as “Office” and “Outlook”.

Bing Benefits for Businesses

The Bing search engine has quite a good list of benefits for business, especially when it comes to helping businesses acquire a wider reach on the internet which makes their products, apps and services easier to find.

Don’t limit yourself to Google if you also want to:

  • Get more web based traffic. Send your business’ website to the Bing search engine to get more visibility, more leads and more sales.
  • Give more detailed data about your business to your potential clients through all types of devices.
  • Reach that 30% of people that don’t use Google as their search engine of choice
  • It offers a very robust advertising platform that will further help you and your business reach that elusive 30% of consumers.

Bing Shocking Facts

  • Some studies have been made to compare how Bing and Google measure against each other and have found that Bing gives better and more specific results for the majority of search queries used in these studies
  • It is said that the feature that launched Bing to stardom was its daily changing background, which showcases a photograph of landmark landscapes and buildings around the world
  • The Bing search engine indexes over 2 billion Facebook updates and half a billion tweets on a daily basis
  • The Bing search engine powers the Yahoo! search engine, which means that when you use Yahoo’s engine, you are basically using Bing
  • Bing incorporates Facebook data in its algorithm as a source of social media input

What are Bing Ads All about?

Much in the same way that Bing is Microsoft’s answer to the wildly popular Google search engine, Bing Ads is the company’s answer to AdWords, the industry leading pay per click advertising platform for those wanting to advertise to people using the Google network.

This time around, ads will be served to people using Bing, and advertising material will be shown to consumers doing their searches in the Bing search network. Let’s take a deeper look at this magnificent online advertising service.

What are Bing Ads?

Bing ads are pay-per-click ads displayed in the Bing search network. These ads work under the same pay-per-click system employed by Bing’s competitor, Google AdWords. Bing ads will show a variety of ads to people according to demographic data specified by the advertiser.

The success of a Bing Ads marketing campaign will depend greatly on two factors: how much money do advertisers put on their bids, and the advertisement’s click through rate, or the number of times users being served the ads click on them. This determines how frequently ads are shown in the network.

The bid placed by advertisers is nothing more than the max amount that they are willing to pay for the placement of their ads. Ads from one advertiser will not show in certain places when another advertiser outbids them with a higher amount for the same place.

Bing Ads Benefits for Businesses

Any business looking to grow online needs to adequately run a display advertising program. Without the exposure provided by paid advertising, a business will inevitably get lost in the sea of businesses that have an established presence online.

Bing Ads offer the following benefits to businesses all around the world:

  • Bing Ads can reach customers across all devices, no matter if they are looking for your products or services at home, at work or on the go!
  • Bing Ads will help you go local or global by way of millions of unique searches on the Bing network. Bing provides customers specific information at the national, regional and local level
  • If you are already running a successful ad campaign on Google AdWords, you can easily import it from there to your Bing Ads account without having to create it from scratch!
  • Signing up to the service is free and you can start advertising with any budget
  • Pay only for clicks, nothing else!

Bing Ads Shocking Facts

  • Bing Ads have a reach of 6 billion monthly searches on the network
  • Local, travel, shopping and health related searches account for up to 40% of search queries, which gives an advantage to businesses in those industries
  • Searchers on the Bing network are likely to spend 21.5% more than the average web searcher and 0.76% more than searchers on Google
  • 58% of searchers on the Bing network are female, which impacts ad campaigns differently when compared to the Google network, where 45% of searchers are female
  • The demographic available to target with Bing Ads is older, has achieved a higher education and earns a higher income than the demographics than you can target on the Google network (source)